| Quick Start Guide - General Agreement | | CDFW | 8/2024 |
| Quick Start Guide - Self Certification | | CDFW | 8/2024 |
| Quick Start Guide - Timber | | CDFW | 8/2024 |
| Quick Start Guide - Standard Agreement | | CDFW | 8/2024 |
| Quick Start Guide - Routine Maintenance Agreement | | CDFW | 8/2024 |
| Quick Start Guide - Master Agreement | | CDFW | 8/2024 |
| Quick Start Guide - GSR Agreement | | CDFW | 8/2024 |
| LSA Extension Package (DFW 2023 EXTENSION) | Lake and Streambed Alteration Extension RequestPackage | Habitat Conservation Planning Branch | 5/2019 |
| LSA Amendment Package (DFW 2023 AMENDMENT) | Lake and Streambed Alteration Amendment Package | Habitat Conservation Planning Branch | 5/2019 |
| EPIMS NUI Public Announcement | EPIMS NUI Update | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 5/28/2024 |
| LSA Fees-Internet Link | LSA Fees for shared internet link | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 1/1/2020 |
| LSA Fee Schedule - 1/1/2024 | LSA Fee Schedule 2024 | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 11/7/2023 |
| 723 LSA Public Notice | 723 Public Notice | HCPB | 5/3/2024 |
| 723 LSA ISOR | 723 Public Notice | HCPB | 5/3/2024 |
| 723 LSA Regulatory Text | 723 Public Notice | HCPB | 5/3/2024 |
| 723 Notice of Proposed Action | 723 Public Notice | HCPB | 5/3/2024 |
| LSA Winter Storm Emergency Work (Spanish) | LSA Emergency Work | CDFW | 1/8/2024 |
| Winter Storm Emergency Work | LSA Winter Storm Emergency Work | CDFW | 2023 |
| LSA Fees - Regulatory Text (2024) | Title 14 Regulatory Text for LSA Fees (2024) | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 11/7/2023 |
| Public Workshop Announcement Senate Bill 122 - Protective Screens for Temporary Pump Intakes | Public Workshop Agenda | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 9/20/2023 |
| A Landowner's Guide to Wildlife Friendly Fences | building wildlife friendly fence | Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks | 10/2018 |
| Biologist Resume Form | Biologist Resume Form Qualifications | Habitat Conservation Planning Branch | 8/2021 |
| LSA Regulatory Text-Internet Link | LSA Regulatory text for shared internet link | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 1/1/2020 |
| LSA Fee Schedule - 1/1/2023 | LSA Fee Schedule | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 12/2022 |
| LSA Fees - Regulatory Text (2023) | Title 14 Regulatory Text for LSA Fees (2023) | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 12/2022 |
| LSA Fees - Regulatory Text (2022) | Title 14 Regulatory Text for LSA Fees (2022) | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 12/1/2021 |
| LSA Fee Schedule - 1/1/2022 | LSA Fee Schedule | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 12/1/2021 |
| LSA Notification Instructions and Process | Lake and Streambed Alteration Process and Instructions | Habitat Conservation Planning Branch | 6/2020 |
| LSA Fee Schedule - 2021 | LSA Fee Schedule - Effective 1/1/2021 | Habitat Conservation Planning Branch | 11/10/2020 |
| LSA Regulatory Text - 2021 | Title 14 Regulatory Text for LSA Fees - Effective 1/1/2021 | Habitat Conservation Planning Branch | 11/10/2020 |
| How to Notify for the California Department of Fish & Wildlife | EPIMS Notification and LSA Submittal | Habitat Conservation Planning Branch | 8/1/2020 |
| Salvage Logging or Vegetation Management Outreach Flyer | Outreach Flyer - Logging or vegetation management | Habitat Conservation Planning Branch | 11/2020 |
| Wildlfire Tree or Vegetation Removal Outreach Flyer | Outreach Flyer - Permitting agencies tree or vegetation removal | Habitat Conservation Planning Branch | 11/2020 |
| Notification of Lake or Streambed Alteration (DFW 2023) | DFW 2023 Notification Form | Habitat Conservation Planning Branch | 5/2019 |
| Lake and Streambed Alteration Notification Process and Instructions | LSA Process and Instructions | Habitat Conservation Planning Branch | 1/2013 |
| LSA Fee Schedule - 1/1/2020 | LSA Fee Schedule - Effective 1/1/2020 | Habitat Conservation Planning Branch | 11/20/2019 |
| LSA Rack Card | LSA Rack Card | Habitat Conservation Planning Branch | 10/2019 |
| LSA Fee Schedule - 1/1/2019 | LSA Fee Schedule | Habitat Conservation Planning Branch | 11/2018 |
| LSA Fees - Regulatory Text 2020 | Title 14 Regulatory Text for LSA Fees 2020 | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 11/20/2019 |
| General Agreement Tabular | General Agreement table | Habitat Conservation Planning Branch | 3/2018 |
| LSA Regions Map | LSA Regions Map | Habitat Conservation Planning Branch | 9/2019 |
| Common Causes for Delayed Issuance of an LSA Agreement | Common Causes that Delay the Issuance of an LSA Agreement | Habitat Conservation Planning Branch | 12/2018 |
| LSA Fees - Regulatory Text (2019) | Title 14 Regulatory Text for LSA Fees (2019) | Habitat Conservation Planning Branch | 11/2018 |
| A Landowner's Guide to Fences and Wildlife | Wildlife Friendly Fences | Paige, C. and Wyoming Land Trust | 10/2018 |
| Attachment A - Gravel Sand Rock Extraction DFW 2023A | DFW 2023A Attachment A | Habitat Conservation Planning Branch | 11/2016 |
| Using Google Earth to Map your Property | Tips to create a quality map | Habitat Conservation Planning Branch | 3/2018 |
| General Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement for Activities Related to Cannabis Cultivation | Cannabis General Agreement | Habitat Conservation Planning Branch | 1/2018 |
| Attachment B - Timber Plans DFW 2023B | DFW 2023B Attachment B | Habitat Conservation Planning Branch | 12/2016 |
| Attachment D - Routine Maintenance DFW 2023D | DFW 2023D Attachment D | Habitat Conservation Planning Branch | 12/2016 |
| Attachment C - Water Diversion Questionnaire DFW2023C | DFW 2023C Attachment C | Habitat Conservation Planning Branch | 10/2016 |