| California Terrestrial and Vernal Pool Invertebrates of Conservation Priority 2024 | List of Terrestrial and Vernal Pool Invertebrates of Conservation Priority | Sardinas, H | 1/2/2025 |
| Statewide Mountain Lion Depredation Approach Memo | Mountain Lion Livestock Depredation Policy Memo 2020 | CDFW | 7/10/2020 |
| Scientific Colllecting Permits Regional Contacts | Who to contact when you hold a scientific collecting permit | CDFW | 1/17/2025 |
| July 2024 Meeting Notes for Multi-Agency Monarch and Pollinator Collaborative | Notes from Monarch Multi-Agency Collaborative, Management Oversight Group (MOG) | CDFW | 10/24/2024 |
| MGS TAG Survey Guidelines October 2021 | MGS TAG Survey Guidelines October 2021 | CDFW | 10/27/2021 |
| MGS TAG Meeting Oct 2021 Results of Camera Studies | | Ed LaRue | 10/27/2021 |
| MGS TAG Priorities October 2021 | MGS TAG Priorities October 2021 | CDFW | 10/27/2021 |
| MGS TAG Meeting Minutes 27 October 2021 | MGS TAG Meeting Minutes 27 October 2021 | CDFW | 10/27/2021 |
| MGS TAG Meeting Agenda 27-28 October 2021 | MGS TAG Meeting Agenda 27-28 October 2021 | CDFW | 10/27/2021 |
| MGS TAG CDFW Conservation Strategy Overview | MGS TAG CDFW Conservation Strategy Overview | CDFW | 10/29/2019 |
| MGS TAG CDFW Survey Guidelines | CDFW MGS Survey Guidelines | CDFW | 10/29/2019 |
| MGS TAG Habitat Modeling | Modeling MGS Habitat | Erica Orcutt | 10/29/2019 |
| MGS TAG Results of 5 MGS Studies Oct 30 2019 | Results of Five MGS Studies in 2019 | Ed LaRue | 10/29/2019 |
| MGS TAG Fecal Analysis 2019 | MGS TAG Fecal Analysis 2019 | Erica Orcutt | 10/29/2019 |
| 2019 MGS Field Work | 2019 MGS Field Work | Phil Leitner | 10/29/2019 |
| MGS TAG Priorities, October 29-30 2019 | MGS TAG Priorities, October 29-30 2019 | CDFW | 10/29/2019 |
| MGS TAG Meeting Agenda, 29-30 October 2019 | MGS TAG Meeting Agenda, October 2019 | CDFW | 10/29/2019 |
| MGS TAG Meeting Action Items, 29 October 2019 | MGS TAG Meeting Action Items | CDFW | 10/29/2019 |
| 2023 CDFW Pd Surveillance Report | Reports | S. Osborn,D. Clifford, A. Tauber, D. Winkler | 4/10/2024 |
| Mohave Ground Squirrel Data Submission Form | Mohave ground squirrel | Wildlife Diversity Program | 11/7/2023 |
| Living with wildlife bobcat | Bobcat | Roberts, R. | 12/2022 |
| CDFW Research Permitting Flowchart for Terrestrial Invertebrates | Scientific Collecting Permits for Terrestrial Invertebrates | Winkler, D., Hirano, C, Sardinas, H., Applebee, D. | 5/19/2023 |
| Five year status report: Riparian Brush Rabbit (Sylvilagus bachmani riparius) Nongame Wildlife Program Report 2020-01 | Five-year status report | Applebee, D. B. | 2/21/2020 |
| A Suitability Model for White-Footed Voles with Insights | White-footed vole, habitat suitability | Bean, W. T., D. Tange and S. D. Osborn | 2016 |
| Mohave Ground Squirrel Bibliography | Mohave ground squirrel | Larue, E. | 2017 |
| Detection, monitoring, and fates of Tricolored Blackbird colonies in California in 2016 | Tricolored Blackbird | Meese, R. J. | 9/2016 |
| A Listing Petition to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Mohave Ground Squirrel | Mohave ground squirrel | Stewart, G. R. | 12/6/1993 |
| Using Survey Data to Estimate Occupancy and to Model Suitable Habitat throughout the Geographic Range of the Endangered Point Arena Mountain Beaver | Occupancy modeling; Endangered Species | Zielinski, W. J., Schlexer, F. V., DUnk, J. R. Lau, M. J., Graham, J. J. | 6/25/2014 |
| GEWG PPT USGS Research Supporting Golden Eagle Management Status and Updates | Golden Eagle | David Wiens | 1/2014 |
| GEWG PPT USFWS Western Golden Eagle Conservation Team | Golden Eagle | Brian Woodbridge | 1/2014 |
| GEWG PPT USFWS Eagle Updates_Beeler&Brickey | Golden Eagle | Heather Beeler | 1/2014 |
| GEWG PPT USDA Forest Service CA-NV Eagle Update | Golden Eagle | Patricia Krueger | 1/2014 |
| GEWG PPT Pacific Flyway Council_Nongame Technical Committee | Golden Eagle | Cris Tomlinson | 1/2014 |
| GEWG PPT Nevada Statewide Golden Eagle Nest Site Survey Project | Golden Eagle | John Boone | 1/2014 |
| GEWG PPT Mining Industry Updates | Golden Eagle | Matthew Maples | 1/2014 |
| GEWG PPT Golden Eagle Research and Monitoring Online Coordination Tool | Golden Eagle | Carie Battistone | 1/2014 |
| GEWG PPT Golden Eagle Disease & Contaminant Surveillance | Golden Eagle | Krysta Rogers | 1/2014 |
| GEWG PPT Estimation of Site Occupancy and Nesting Success of Golden Eagles in the Diablo Mountains | Golden Eagle | David Wiens | 1/2014 |
| GEWG PPT Estimating Abundance of Golden Eagles in the DRECP Area 2013 | Golden Eagle | Joel Thompson | 1/2014 |
| GEWG PPT CA-NV Golden Eagle Research Subgroup Updates | Golden Eagle | Heather Beeler | 1/2014 |
| GEWG PPT CA-NV Golden Eagle Observation Database | Golden Eagle | Steve Schoenig | 1/2014 |
| GEWG PPT Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle mortalities at wind energy facilities in the contiguous US | Golden Eagle | Pagel, Jeep | 1/2014 |
| Gray Vireo (Vireo vicinior) status assessment and nest monitoring to investigate causes of decline in California | Nongame Wildlife Program | Hargrove, L. and P. Unitt | 2/27/2014 |
| Evaluation of petition from the Environmental Protection Information Center to list Northern spotted owl (Stix occidentalis caurina) as threatened or endangered under the California Endangered Species Act, with Errata and Correction | Nongame Wildlife Program | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 2013 |
| California Condor Recovery Program, Project Update and 2011 and 2012 Lead Exposure Report | General Technical Report | USFWS | 2013 |
| Evaluation of the Petition from the Center for Biological Diversity to List Townsend's Big-Eared Bat (Corynorhinus townsendii) as Threatened or Endangered Under the California Endangered Species Act | CESA Listing Petition | California Department of Fish and Game, Wildlife Branch | 4/25/2013 |
| California least tern breeding survey, 2012 season | Nongame Wildlife Program | Frost, N. | 2013 |
| Status and distribution of the light-footed clapper rail in California, 2013 season | Nongame Wildlife Program | Zembal, R., S. M. Hoffman and J. Konecny | 2013 |
| Monitoring Mohave ground squirrel populations in the Coso region, 2013 | General Technical Report | Lietner, P. | 2013 |
| Monitoring Mohave ground squirrel populations in the Coso region, 2001-2010 | Mohave ground squirrel | Leitner, Philip | 11/1/2010 |