| BIOS 6 Data Viewer User Guide | Help Documents | Biogeographic Data Branch | 1/13/2024 |
| BIOS 6 Getting Started | Help Documents | Biogeographic Data Branch | 11/21/2024 |
| Explaining the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) | Help Documents | Biogeographic Data Branch | 6/20/2023 |
| BIOS 6 Conditional Statements Help | Help Documents | Biogeographic Data Branch | 10/26/2022 |
| BIOS 6 Coordinate Help | Help Documents | Biogeographic Data Branch | 10/26/2022 |
| BIOS 6 Advanced Tools Transcript | Transcript | Biogeographic Data Branch | 6/29/2022 |
| BIOS 6 Tools Transcript | Transcript | Biogeographic Data Branch | 6/29/2022 |
| BIOS 6 Basics Transcript | Transcript | Biogeographic Data Branch | 6/29/2022 |
| CDFW Data Management Plan form | Data Management Plan form | Goldman, S. | 10/22/2021 |
| BIOS Basics Transcript | Transcript | Biogeographic Data Branch | 7/23/2021 |
| BIOS Tools Transcript | Transcript | Biogeographic Data Branch | 5/28/2021 |
| BIOS Advanced Tools Transcript | Transcript | Biogeographic Data Branch | 5/28/2021 |
| BIOS Data Viewer User Guide | Help Documents | Sandra Hill | 5/26/2020 |
| Using the Spotted Owl Reports Generator in BIOS | Spotted Owl Report Generator | Kate Keiser | 7/30/2015 |
| BIOS Data Viewer Frequently Asked Questions | Help Documents | Sandra Hill | 5/22/2017 |
| CDFW Minimum Metadata Standards | Metadata | Biogeographic Data Branch | 9/25/2015 |
| Creating metadata using ArcCatalog 10.x | Help Documents | Biogeographic Data Branch | 9/23/2015 |
| BIOS Getting Started | Getting started in BIOS | Sandra Summers | 11/25/2013 |
| Vegetation Alliances of Western Riverside County, California | Vegetation Alliances | Klein, A. and J. Evens | 2006 |
| ADAR-Based Mapping of the Nature Reserve of Orange County | ADAR-Based Mapping | Ed Almanza & Associates | 2005 |
| San Felipe Valley Vegetation - MCV vegetation types cross-walked to California Wildlife Habitat Relationships (CWHR) and Holland types | Vegetation Cross Walk | Unknown | 2000 |
| Sierra Nevada Foothill Vegetation-Habitat Study, Habitat Sampling Protocols | Habitat Sampling Protocols | Garrison, B. | 5/2004 |
| Towards Developing a Monitoring Framework for Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plans. Part 1. | Monitoring Framework for Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan | Allen, M. F., et al. | 2005 |
| Report to the Legislature - California Wetland Mitigation Banking | Mitigation Banking | State of California, Resources Agency, Department of Fish and Game | 11/25/2003 |
| Ecological baseline studies for the Hatchet Ridge wind energy project Shasta county, California | Wind energy biological data | Young, D., G. Johnson, V. Poulton and K. Bay | 8/2007 |
| Diablo winds wildlife monitoring progress report | Wind energy biological data | Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc. | 4/2006 |
| Avian risk behavior and fatalities at the Altamont wind resource area | Wind energy biological data | Thelander, C. and L. Rugge | 5/2000 |
| Bird mortality at the Altamont Pass wind resource area | Wind energy biological data | Smallwood, K. and C. Thelander | 8/2005 |
| A radar and visual study of nocturnal bird and bat migration at the proposed Bear River Windpark, California spring 2007 | Wind energy biological data | Sanzenbacher, P., T. Mabee and B. Cooper | 10/2007 |
| A population study of Golden Eagles in the Altamont Pass wind resource area: population trend analysis 1994 - 1997 | Wind energy biological data | Hunt, G., P. Bloom, J. Castanon, L. Culp, Lieberg-Clark, P., D. Driscoll, J. Gilardi, C. Himmelwright, T. Hunt, R. Jackman, B. Latta, A. Lewis and J. Linthicum | 6/1999 |
| Avian mortality in Altamont Pass WRA - final report | Wind energy biological data | Orloff, S. and A. Flannery | 6/1996 |
| Utilization by migrant and resident birds of the San Gorgonio Pass, Coachella Valley, and southern Mojave Desert of California | Wind energy biological data | McKernan, R., W. Wagner, R. Landry and M. McCrary | 2/1984 |
| Nocturnal avian migration assessment of the San Gorgonio wind resource study area, spring 1982 | Wind energy biological data | McCrary, M., R. McKernan, R. Landry, W. Wagner and R. Schreiber | 9/1983 |
| A survey of birds and bats at a proposed wind energy site, Bear River Ridge, Humboldt county, California | Wind energy biological data | McAllister, S. and D. Fix | 2/2008 |
| A radar study of nocturnal bird and bat migration at the proposed Hatchet Ridge wind project, California | Wind energy biological data | Mabee, T. and P. Sanzenbacher | 2/2008 |
| Post-construction avian monitoring study for the Shiloh I wind power project Solano county, California | Wind energy biological data | Kerlinger, P., R. Curry, L. Culp, C. Wilkerson, B. Fischer and A. Hasch | 9/2007 |
| Avian monitoring study and risk assessment for the Shiloh wind power project Solano county, California | Wind energy biological data | Kerlinger, P., R. Curry, C. Wilkerson, L. Culp, A. Hasch and A. Jain | 4/2006 |
| The response of Red-tailed hawks and Golden eagles to topographical features, weather, and abundance of a dominant prey species at the Altamont Pass wind resource area, California | Wind energy biological data | Hoover, S. | 6/2002 |
| Status report on Met Tower incidents Collinsville Montezuma Hills wind resource area Solano, California | Wind energy biological data | Kerlinger, P., R. Curry and A. Hasch | 9/2007 |
| A radar study of Marbled Murrelets at the proposed Bear River Windpark, California | Wind energy biological data | Cooper, B. and P. Sanzenbacher | 11/2006 |
| A preliminary assessment of potential avian interactions at four proposed wind energy facilities on Vandenberg Air Force Base, California | Wind energy biological data | BioResource Consultants | 8/2004 |
| Post-construction avian and bat fatality monitoring study for the high winds wind power project | Wind energy biological data | Kerlinger, P., R. Curry, L. Culp, A. Jain, C. Wilkerson, B. Fischer and A. Hasch | 4/2006 |
| Avian monitoring and risk assessment at the San Gorgonio wind resource area | Wind energy biological data | Anderson, R., J. Tom, N. Neumann, W. P. Erickson, M. D. Strickland, M. Bourassa, K. J. Bay and K. J. Sernka | 8/2005 |
| Freshwater Mussel Distribution, Abundance, and Habitat Use in the Middle Klamath River | Freshwater Mussels in the Middle Klamath River | Westover, M. L. | 5/2010 |
| Freshwater Mussle Abundance and Habitat in the Klamath River of Northern California | Freshwater Mussels in the Klamath River of Northern California | Krall, M. | 5/2010 |
| Freshwater Mussels of the Klamath River: A Personal and Scientific Account | Freshwater Mussels of the Klamath River | Tennant, C. | 5/2010 |
| Freshwater Mussels of the Klamath River: A Personal and Scientific Account | Freshwater Mussels of the Klamath River | Tennant, C. | 5/2010 |
| Freshwater Mussel Distribution, Abundance, and Habitat Use in the Middle Klamath River | Freshwater Mussels in the Middle Klamath River | Westover, M. L. | 5/2010 |
| Freshwater Mussle Abundance and Habitat in the Klamath River of Northern California | Freshwater Mussels in the Klamath River of Northern California | Krall, M. | 5/2010 |
| Sensitive Freshwater Mussel Surveys in the Pacific Southwest Region: Assessment of Conservation Status | Assessment of Conservation Status of Sensitive Freshwater Mussels in Pacific Southwest Region | Howard, J. Ph D. | 8/2010 |